Tuesday 28 June 2011

Darkness Fell - by Wolfgang

This is one of my favourite song... lyrics is really nice and it suites several parts of my human life.... human... hehe. just want to post this song.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Source Code - Redundant Scifi

The movie was just keep on repeating it's self and it's becoming redundant... boring and over looked. Although it's a sci-fi movie it's so amazing how the concept was developed. Who could think that dead people can actually convey to living peoples and save thousands of lives. It's was a story of a soldier who was quarantined to do the task. He woke up in a different body, he was tasked to look for the bomb to detonate and look for the culprit.

Because of too much repetition, the movie went from interesting to boring. It was fascinating how they developed software that can actually do stuffs like it. I can’t wait to see future scientific development... I just hope that everything is for the good of humanity such as these... saving lives of innocent people and making the whole world safe for the entire humanity.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Smoking - Puffs Your Life Away


It's normal in society to socialise and blend in and in order for normal people to do that they need to do something unusual so others can recognise them. How is this related to smoking? Well it's quite simple, smoking is a blend in factor to socialise in a high stature clubs and people. Although people are looking after their health keenly but still heaps are still addicted and couldn’t live without smoking. Governments and Non – Government agencies are doing the best that they can to promote that smoking ruin your life, your family and your whole well-being. There are so many side effects thru smoking, in your later life you may have emphysema or lung cancer and you are not the only person who suffer but your entire family.

Who am I to judge smokers... I am nobody. Way back my teenage life I smoked a packet of cigarettes per week. I am attending pre-med school and majority of my classmates smoke, our reasons was clear --- we only wanted to ease the tensions in our brain. Although I know the effects of smoking I still looked at the bright side of it's worth. So, while studying and reviewing for exam I do smoke to keep me awake. I myself doesn’t want the smell so I preferred menthol that gives a bit of coldness. I was not afraid to get sick, I actually wanted to challenge my body if I will get sick but it seems that it is helping my breathing... as I have a bronchial asthma since childhood.

When, I applied for a job in pharmaceutical industry, I stopped smoking because I don’t want doctors to smell me like an ashtray so I stopped. It wasn’t that difficult to stop. I just decided to do it without any hesitations. Though I feel the withdrawal symptoms form cigarette I tried to neglect it's effect. Most of the time, you will see me having chupa chups stack on my mouth or any lollies that will prevent me from drooling. I was hard but I was able to cope up for just a few days but I need to relax, chill and nebulise because I was having an asthma attack. But, when I worked in call centre, I started smoking again. The feeling was great and absolutely fantastic. Cigarette is not that that expensive back home so I can consume 2 packets for a week. This time I’m having a lot of nicotine inside my lungs. When I had my usual x-ray, it didn’t bother me at all because my lungs is still in perfect condition, I know I have bronchial asthma but I do not have any episodes of attack when I am smoking. Maybe somehow it help immunes my body against pollutants.

Now that I am quite far away from home and cigarette is so expensive I decided to quit permanently. If you think about the positive stuffs that will motivate you from puffing your life away --- you can easily do it. Think about your budget... your health and well being... your family’s future! Ask yourself, what will happen to me in the future if I don’t stop smoking?. Yes, all of us will die but do you want to die in a more painful way? Do you want your family to suffer from financial debts because they wanted to save you? There are so many questions that you need to ask yourself. Smoking is not a solution to any of your problem... it simply puffs your life away.

My Father's Legacy

It was a winter Friday evening, I am considering to attend bible study every forth night to learn other people’s wisdom. Although I have a different religion they gave me a very warm welcome in the group. Status, education and achievement were disregarded as everybody opens their heart, mind and soul to the presence of God. I always believe that there is only ONE GOD and whatever name you call him it doesn’t matter to me.

Today’s topic was the continuation of the previous sharing, which I find very relevant in life. Guide questions have been raised and answered to our different point of views and shared our in most thoughts. Being a blessing to other is a very broad discussion that leads to different aspects of life. I been getting heaps of wisdoms that I can inculcate and practice while I am still living.

My father, Engineer Eliseo Madrigalejos Belen Jr was a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer who work with National Power Corporation in the Philippines. He was ambitious, intelligent, hard-working and patient person who loved his family dearly and had sacrificed everything to give us the best thing in life. My grandmother, Leonila, always tells me a story about my father. She said that my father is very industrious and would not stop until he finished what he started and gets what he want. From her story, he said that my father is obedient, kind and compassionate. When he was studying he will wake up early to help my grandmother prepare the stuffs need for their store. After his house chores were finished he then rush to school to study. My grandfather would tell me that he sometimes get upset with my father for staying late to study. He finished his study in Bicol University and luckily passed the board examinations then met my mother, Haydee in Professional Regulation Commission . They fell in love, got married and dreamed to build a family; there it came us... me and my sister.

The legacy of my father is the most precious endowment since birth. Carrying his name is the most difficult task that was bestowed upon me. When I was still a child, my father worked abroad to fulfil his dreams and give us a better future. When he came back, I was already in primary school and couldn’t even recognise him because I grew up not seeing him. As he work with the government he was assigned in different places where he needed to stay there for quite sometime.
There are so many similarities between me and my father, when you look at me you can see him in me... I exactly look like him... the way I walk, my built and even my gestures. We both love music... exactly the same genre! We both love books and one of our favorite author is Sydney Sheldon. We also share the same hobbies which are mind mapping while listening to music and doing something else.

Yes, I looked up to my fathers, his values and virtues are permanently implanted to me. All the things that he thought me are the only constant in my life. Though I can never turn back time, I know somewhere I will be with him, to enjoy each other’s company. I love my father so dearly and nothing... no one can change that.

But, what legacy will I leave when my human time is through? I honestly do not know. Only God knows. I trust Him with everything and lift up all my life to Him. I can’t thank God enough for giving me my wonderful parents especially my Father.

Monday 13 June 2011

Hang Over

I am not afraid to watch movie alone! There, I said it clear! Heaps of people said that this movie was so hilarious and it would even let me roll in the floor while laughing? But, NAH!!!

Why Super 8?

Another family friendly movie from Steven Speilberg!!! A movie that should be watched with the whole family or friends. :)

I watched it last Sunday night in Event Cinema - Parramatta with my flatmates. Basically the movie was from the genius and imaginative mind of Speilber. The movie keep me thinking of unusual stuffs that was outside the earth. Is it possible that there are lives beyond us?.

The setting was dramatically cascaded in the late 70's. The story was all about the 6 teens - an amateur film makers, make up artist, actors/actress and special effect who were creating zombie movie. When they have the scene in train station, the was a massive explosion happened. Until there was a military invasion because the of the explosion and its like weird rubix cube have shattered all over the area. The Alien species doesnt want to hurt human being - he was doing it for his survival - although there were heaps of people being captured, the specie managed to express its feeling that he only wanted to leave earth and go back to his own planet.

It was so amazing how the alien spaceship was built and how the alien managed to leave the earth. He didnt mean no harm but it was his survival instinct. Honestly, it was the military's fault why it acted that way.

Lesson?. Yes, there is. I realised that family should always come first no matter how hard and miserable we are, like Alice's father who always get drunk and blame himself for those people he accidentaly hurt. He then realise and asked forgiveness. There are things and lives that we need to let go for everybody's benifit and freedom so we can go ahead and make our lives more productive and worthy. Joe's and his friend's bravery was remarkable, they risked their life to save their friend Alice... that is true friendship.

But, i still dont get it... why is the title "SUPER 8"?

Tuesday 7 June 2011

X-men - My lazy review

Xmen – first class – my review

From cartoon series to movie.

The story was very well portrayed and wisdoms partaken. I can’t imagine how Erik aka Magneto had suffered torture, deprivations and violence during his childhood. Being separated to his mum caused his depression and anger thus unlocking his mutant ability... attracting and controlling metals. It was tragic and violent to see his mum being shot to his face because he was not able to move a single coin. Because of anger he unlocked his abilities. Meanwhile, Charles aka Professor X caught Raven aka Mystic, imitating his mum’s image, looking for food but since he is telepathic he knew that she is also a mutant. Instead of throwing her away Charles welcomed Raven to be his sister.

Erik seek vengeance against the people who molested him, he killed those people using his extraordinary ability while Charles because a professor who studied mutation and grew up with Raven with her side.

The story was awesome and if you listen and pay attention to their dialogues you will be amaze how inspiring and motivating the lines are. Like what Professor and Magneto said they are a better human... for me it means, since they have these extraordinary abilities they can do something to protect ordinary human beings. Although Charles know that they are turning against the wave, he is confident that one day... someday people will accept them and that they will not be considered as freak. Mystic, have a good heart, a loyal one who never leaves a friend behind. Beast, with all his great knowledge about science had the hardest time to accept his appearance. Other mutants are given their share to the movie, their powers are all good although it will not level or exceed the ability of Charles and Erik. They were very good partner but they have different beliefs.

For me it was a bit boring but because of the scene or the time it was shot. The graphics are alright but not that much action compared to other X-men movies.