Tuesday 14 June 2011

Smoking - Puffs Your Life Away


It's normal in society to socialise and blend in and in order for normal people to do that they need to do something unusual so others can recognise them. How is this related to smoking? Well it's quite simple, smoking is a blend in factor to socialise in a high stature clubs and people. Although people are looking after their health keenly but still heaps are still addicted and couldn’t live without smoking. Governments and Non – Government agencies are doing the best that they can to promote that smoking ruin your life, your family and your whole well-being. There are so many side effects thru smoking, in your later life you may have emphysema or lung cancer and you are not the only person who suffer but your entire family.

Who am I to judge smokers... I am nobody. Way back my teenage life I smoked a packet of cigarettes per week. I am attending pre-med school and majority of my classmates smoke, our reasons was clear --- we only wanted to ease the tensions in our brain. Although I know the effects of smoking I still looked at the bright side of it's worth. So, while studying and reviewing for exam I do smoke to keep me awake. I myself doesn’t want the smell so I preferred menthol that gives a bit of coldness. I was not afraid to get sick, I actually wanted to challenge my body if I will get sick but it seems that it is helping my breathing... as I have a bronchial asthma since childhood.

When, I applied for a job in pharmaceutical industry, I stopped smoking because I don’t want doctors to smell me like an ashtray so I stopped. It wasn’t that difficult to stop. I just decided to do it without any hesitations. Though I feel the withdrawal symptoms form cigarette I tried to neglect it's effect. Most of the time, you will see me having chupa chups stack on my mouth or any lollies that will prevent me from drooling. I was hard but I was able to cope up for just a few days but I need to relax, chill and nebulise because I was having an asthma attack. But, when I worked in call centre, I started smoking again. The feeling was great and absolutely fantastic. Cigarette is not that that expensive back home so I can consume 2 packets for a week. This time I’m having a lot of nicotine inside my lungs. When I had my usual x-ray, it didn’t bother me at all because my lungs is still in perfect condition, I know I have bronchial asthma but I do not have any episodes of attack when I am smoking. Maybe somehow it help immunes my body against pollutants.

Now that I am quite far away from home and cigarette is so expensive I decided to quit permanently. If you think about the positive stuffs that will motivate you from puffing your life away --- you can easily do it. Think about your budget... your health and well being... your family’s future! Ask yourself, what will happen to me in the future if I don’t stop smoking?. Yes, all of us will die but do you want to die in a more painful way? Do you want your family to suffer from financial debts because they wanted to save you? There are so many questions that you need to ask yourself. Smoking is not a solution to any of your problem... it simply puffs your life away.

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