Wednesday 25 May 2011


Which relationship status are you?

 One of the never ending trend in the society is relationship. You’re “in” when your in a relationship but you’re “out” when you are single. People criticize you left and right. Some are happy, some are jealous but at the end of the day you have to prove to your self that he/she is the one.

I was very young  when I had my first boyfriend, I can say it was a peer pressure having one, but it didnt last long. I dont want to be tied up with anything or anyone.  My first official relationship was when I was in College, I can still recall our kindie days when we were classmates and during our elementary days when I hated him because of his “big head”. We were happy but life isnt always like that... we need to part ways. Then, I got married, the relationship didnt work out because of differences that caused havoc to both sides. 

Right now, I am taking refuge from my new friends, I proved how difficult it is to live alone but then I know God will not let me down. God have a purpose for giving me this test. Although they say that life will be happier with a partner or with a special someone, I understand that this is the usual typical cycle of being a human but we also need to understand that there are some instances that a person will be better off alone. Lonely but if you want to think and do things independently without hurting anyone else's feeling well it's better to be single. For the meantime I prefer to be single to mend out all the pain that I have kept inside me.I want to be prepared, should the right one come I can assure him that I am no longer keeping any pain from the past.

Maybe time will come, perhaps, I will meet him, my knight in a shining armor, someone who will wholeheartedly accept my past as past and my present as present, someone who will support our future and be each other's inspiration and light.

Help me God. 

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